On April 14, 1989 a band of Marines gathered at “Chuck’s Country Crab” in Fenwick Island Delaware to
sign our Charter creating The First State Detachment, the first Detachment in the state of Delaware.
The First State Detachment Marines is a chartered 501 (c) 4 non-profit organized to raise funds that
support local community service programs to enhance the lives of the communities we serve. Money
raised benefit and support our neighbors in Worcester and Sussex Counties here on the Eastern Shore.
Projects like our Youth Physical Fitness Program, Toys for Tots, The Semper Fi Fund and other noble
charities have benefitted deserving families and individuals since our founding in 1989.
The First State Detachment Marine Corps League perpetuates the traditions, spirit and commitment of all Marines, Navy Corpsman and fellow services' Veterans to Family, Country and Community.
Marine Veteran Gets New Flag After Storm Left His in Tatters
When one of our summer storms
blew through the region, the strong winds left in tatters the Marine Corps flag
that Stuart Smith was flying at his house in West Ocean City. Smith is a
97-year-old veteran who served in Korea...

Our Purpose and Mission
- Join in Fellowship with Marines, Navy Corpsman and Associate members that share our commitment to our core principals of service.
- Support, Respect and Promote American principals and interests.
- Honor the Service of our fellow Marines, Navy Corpsman, Brothers and Sisters of all branches of the Armed Forces.
- Support and render assistance to our fellow Veterans and families when in need.
- Honor the sacred memory and history of our Brothers and Sisters for their sacrifices to our nation.
- Honor the plege to Semper Fidelis "Always Faithful" that all Marines subscribe by oath.
Always active and visible, First State Marines host and participate in multiple events throughout the year. The Annual Frank Conlon Memorial Golf Tournament, The Jelly Fish Festival and Jeep Week are examples for some of the events where you will find Marine Corps League volunteers. The funds we raise benefit the select Charities we support. Our commitment to service includes Placing Memorial Day Flags at our local Veterans Cemetery and a successful Toys for Tots program that have provided Toys for thousands of children in need here on the Eastern Shores of Delaware and Maryland.