First State Detachment News

August 29 2023
Joann Wengert Sworn in As New Associate Member
Usually, when you see Joann Wengert around Ocean City Post 166, she’s involved in some sort of service work, either with the Post or with Unit 166 of the Post Auxiliary. Now Joann, the wife of Post Commander Tom Wenger, has added a new dimension to her involvement in military veteran matters. She has become an Associate Member of the First State Detachment, which meets monthly at the Post.
The Detachment is known throughout the region for helping veterans, providing volunteers when local organizations hold events, and raising money for charity. Associate membership in the Marine Corps League is available to individuals who have not served in the Marine Corps. Joann was sworn in at the Detachment’s meeting in August by Commandant Al Soto.

August 21, 2023
Marine Veteran Gets New Flag After Storm Left His in Tatters
When one of our summer storms blew through the region, the strong
winds left in tatters the Marine Corps flag that Stuart Smith was flying at his
house in West Ocean City. Smith is a 97-year-old veteran who served in Korea,
where he was wounded and received the Purple Heart. His flag was replaced
recently by the First State Detachment of the Marine Corps League after
American Legion member Harry Rey learned Smith could not replace it. Harry
turned to the First State Marines and soon Smith had a new USMC flag flying.
The photo shows First State Detachment Commandant Al Soto, Harry Rey, Stuart Smith, and Detachment past commander Bob Broderick displaying the flag he was
More information on the First State Detachment
can be found at More information about Ocean City American Legion Post 166
can be found at

JuLY 5 2023
State Senator Mary Beth Carozza Becomes Honorary FSD Member
State Senator Mary Beth
Carozza has been awarded an
Honorary Membership in the
First State Detachment of the
Marine Corps League for her
support of the military and
military veterans. She received
her membership at the
detachment’s June meeting
held at Ocean City American
Legion Post 166.
In the photo, State Senator
Carozza is seen with FSD
members (L-R) Don Coffin,
Judge Advocate, Immediate
Past Commandant Bob Broderick, Commandant Al Soto, and Junior Vice Commandant
Milt Warren.

July 5, 2023
New Associate Member Takes Oath
Saunie Wolstenholme has been sworn in as the latest
Associate Member of the First State Detachment (FSD) of
the Marine Corps League. Saunie, from Dagsboro, is the
fiancé of FSD member Bill Aguirre. She took her oath at the
detachment’s June meeting at Ocean City American Legion
Post 166. Marines and Fleet Marine Force Navy Corpsmen,
whether still serving or veterans, make up the core of the
Marine Corps League, but members of other services and
civilians who had no prior service are eligible for

aPRIL 8 2023
First State Marines Recognize Middle Schooler for Volunteer Service
You don't have to be a Marine to be recognized by the First State Detachment for service excellence. At it's weekly members' breakfast, Detachment Commandant Bob Broderick presented Emerson Reese of Bel Air, MD, pictured here with her grandfather, Chuck Schaub (right), with a certificate of appreciation for her work with the First State Detachment last summer. She joined her grandfather and other Detachment volunteers supporting Ocean City's 2022 Jeep Week, assuming administrative duties and collecting money for charities that help combat-wounded veterans and their families. Emme, as she is known, is an 11-year-old who attends Southampton Middle School in Bel Air. When she is not voluneering, Emme is involved in competitive dance and spends her free time at the dance studio.

mARCH 23, 2023
First State Detachment Marine Corps Rides in St. Patrick’s Parade
During the Ocean City St. Patrick's Parade, First State Detachment Marine Corps League rode the parade route in their military Humvee pulling their Toys for Tots trailer while also highlighting their charitable mission of supporting Semper-Fi America's Fund, and the Believe in Tomorrow Foundation.
Left to right, lined up before the parade are Bill Aguirre, Don Coffin, Gene Dankewicz, Tom Redding, Jim Wright, Al Soto, Bob Broderick, and Fred Womer.

January 30, 2023
First State Detachment Has Six New Members
The First State Detachment of the Marine Corps League swore in six new members of the veteran's organization at its January meeting.Becoming members were Charles Choate, Victor Freeman, Sr., Mike Sepety, Akram Ayoub, Camillo Dibiaso, Harry Kolodner, and Gil Hageman.Detachment is open to men and women who have served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Individuals who have served in other branches of the service can become associate members.In addition to its work supporting veterans, the Detachment is involved in community service activities throughout the local region.
More information on the First State Detachment and the Marine Corps League can be found HERE and throughout this website.The accompanying photo shows Commandant Bob Broderick (C) with the newly sworn members, along with Junior Vice Commandant Al Soto on the right.

January 30, 2023
New Sgt-at-Arms Sworn in at First State Detachment
Navy Veteran Chuck Schaub of Ocean View, DE, has been sworn in as Sgt-at-Arms of the First State Detachment of the Marine Corps KLeaue. Schaub was recently named 2022 Associate of the Year for the organization.
Schaub served aboard the destroyer USS Mullinnix in 1969 and 1970, and received a Letter of Meritorious Service from his Commanding Officer for his performance while on the gun line in Vietnam.
In addition to its work supporting veterans, the Detachment is involved in community service activities throughout the local region. Membership is open to men and women who have served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Individuals who served in other branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, can join as Associate Members.
More information on the First State Detachment and the Marine Corps League can be found HERE and throughout this website.
The accompanying photo shows Commandant Chuck Schwab (L) taking the oath of office for Sgt.-at-Arms from former Detachment Commander Frank Del Piano.

January 26, 2023
Believe in Tomorrow Founder Made Honorary Member of FSD
Brian Morrison, Founder and CEO of the Believe in Tomorrow Children's Foundation, was installed as an honorary member of the First State Detachment of the Marine Corps League at the organization's January meeting. The First State Detachment is a financial supporter of the foundation that provides respite housing facilities for families with children undergoing treatment for life-threatening illnesses.
In the Ocean City area, the foundation operatyes the House by the Sea, the House by the Bay, and the House on Fenwick Island. At all three getaways, families with critically ill children can relax, and reconnect together in the midst of the child's treatment and recovery.
The First State Detachment has designated Believe in Tomorrow as one of its primary charities, along with the Semper Fi & America's Fund that provides care for our nation's critically wounded, ill and injured service members, veterans, and military families.
First State Detachment members provide monetary and manpower support to many local community events throughout the region. The Men in Red recently packed food in the Mountaire Farms Food for the Holidays program, supported the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program, helped at the recent Bethany Beach Arts Festival, and at many of the events at the Ocean City Convention Center.
The accompanying photo shows officers of the First State Detachment welcome Brian into the Detachment, as he receives an Honorary Membership plaque from Commandant Bob Broderick.

December 5, 2022
First State Marines Swear In Two New Officers
The First State Detachment of the Marine Corps League has two new officers. At a ceremony at Ocean City American Legion Post 166 Tom Redding was sworn in as Senior Vice Commandant, and Al Soto took the oath as Junior Vice Commandant.
The First State Detachment Marines is a chartered 501 (c) 4 non-profit organized to raise funds to support local community service programs in Worcester and Sussex Counties. Among these are the Believe in Tomorrow Foundation, Toys for Tots, Youth Physical Fitness Program, and The Semper Fi America’s Fund that supports seriously wounded or ill veterans and their families.
Photo Caption Al Soto, (L), and Tom Redding (C) take the oath as officers of the First State Detachment of the Marine Corps League, administered by former Commandant Frank Del Piano.

November 22, 2022
Marine Corps Ball Celebrates 247 th Birthday With $5,000 Donation
The First State Detachment of the Marine Corps League celebrated the 247th birthday of the United States Marine Corps Nov. 10 at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club. A highlight of the day was a $5,000 check presentation to Brian Morrison, Founder of “Believe in Tomorrow” children’s foundation. The funds were generated at the detachment’s ongoing Electric Bike Raffle and sponsorship dollars raised in Worcester and Sussex County events and activities.
In making the presentation, FSD Commandant Bob Broderick said “Brian’s commitment to providing the families of children afflicted with cancer is in keeping with our commitment to community service. We are proud to help Brian fulfill his goal to increase the exposure for the program to the Military community.”
Photo caption L-R: Sharon Ruest, Capt. USN, Dave Cahn, Col. USMC, Brian Morrison, founder, Believe in Tomorrow, Bob Broderick, Commandant FSD, Frank Del Piano, MSGT, USMC, Gene Dankewicz, Paymaster MCL, Jim Wright, MGST USMC.

November 17, 2022
Cheetah Bike Won by Catonsville/Ocean Pines Resident
The First State Detachment of the Marine Corps League has announced the winner of its bike
Raffle. Kathy Bielaski of Catonsville and Ocean Pines, won the Cheetah electric bike, raffled
off for charity on the occasion of the
detachment’s third annual Boardwalk Semper
Fi Bike, Run or Walk.
Kathy bought her winning ticket at the Seaside
Boat Show way February. She was not when
the event was held but after being contacted
joined First State Marines on the Ocean City
Boardwalk to take possession of the two-
The annual event raises money for the
Semper Fi & America’s Fund that helps
combat wounded and critically ill veterans and
their families, and the Believe in Tomorrow Foundation. The Foundation supports critically
children who are critically ill with cancer, and their families by providing a beach getaway to
cope with stressful times during their treatments.
In the photo left, Kathy displays her bike with FSD members (L-R) Bob Broderick, Chuck
Shaub, Dave Klein, and Gene Dankewicz.

November 17, 2022
First State Marine Corps League Honors Navy Veteran
Navy veteran Chuck Schaub was chosen Associate of the Year by the First State Detachment
of the Marine Corps League, and presented with his award at the Detachment’s Marine Corps
Ball, held annually to mark the birthday of the
founding Marine Corps.
In presenting him with his plaque, First State
Detachment Commandant Bob Broderick
sited Schaub for “conspicuous service for his
volunteering efforts to many of the charitable
causes supported by the organization.”
Schaub, who lives in Ocean View, DE, with
his wife, Cindi, served aboard the destroyer
USS Mullinnix in 1969 and 1970, and
received a Letter of Meritorious Service from
his Commanding Officer for his performance
while on the gun line in Vietnam.
The Marine Corps League is the only congressionally chartered United States Marine Corps-
related veterans organization in the United States. Membership is open to individuals who
have served honorably in the Marine Corps. Associate membership is open to anyone who
does not meet the requirements for regular membership but who espouses the principles and
purposes of the Marine Corps League.
Chuck Schaub, 2 nd from right, receives his award from L-R, Commandant Bob Broderick, and
former Commandants Jim Wright Frank Del Piano

November 17, 2022
Marine Corps League Announces Winner of Bike
At this year’s Marine Corps Ball held by the First State Detachment of the Marine Corps
League, Marine veterans 97-year-old Marine Morris Semiatin (L) and Col. David Cahn (R),
who would only admit to being in his 60s, received the ceremonial first
pieces of the Marine Corps birthday cake.
Semiatin served during WW II and received a Purple Heart after he was
wounded on Iwo Jimo. During his career Col. Cahn has served in several
commands including the Marine Corps Barracks in Washington, DC, and
the 3 rd Recon Battalion.